Dama Blanca: A towering hybrid variety
Dama Blanca translates from Spanish as “White Lady”, and there is good reason for such a title. The dense trichome formation upon the buds of this lady contribute to a frosty apperance. This beauty belongs to the world famous White Widow lineage and has its roots in Indian and Brazilian heritage. The high THC content catalyses a powerful high that relaxes and loosens the body whilst stimulating thought. A bonus to smoking bowls of Dama Blanca is the decliously scent of pineapple and tastes of fruit that the strain offers.
Dama Blanca can be cultivated both indoors and outdoors. Indoors, the strain reaches medium heights and puts out yields of up to 450g/m². Outdoors, the strain grows to the massive heights of 3m, with harvest occurring around mid October.